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MIA Migraine

Wednesday, Jun. 18, 2003 ~~ 7:53 am

OMG. I am so happy to finally be feeling better. I don't get headaches and I was really in pain from that migraine. It lasted 8-1/2 days! Last week was definitely the worst that I can remember. I tried to stayed away from the computer, the light, any noise, my son and pretty much everything just to relieve the pressure. The first couple of days were so horrible that absolutely everything was irritating me. Poor Matthew. I guess you could say that I put myself in time-out for the week. I decided rather than yell at him or be a jerk I should just stay to myself. It was a good decision.

Anyway, I got meds from the doc and it's taken several days for it to work but I haven't woken up with a headache in two days and yesterday I didn't get one at all during the day. Woo Hoo!!

I really shouldn't go back and detail every day that I missed because the entries would look something like this.........Monday-slept, cross-stitched, yelled, slept. So, I'll just fill in by saying that it was a horrible week with lots of yelling in the beginning and a painful trip to the doctor's office with the brightest sun in the history of the world and 107 degrees bearing down on me. I was able to accomplish a lot on my cross-stitch and it's looking fabulously. I am going to get it finished within the week.

I missed my therapy appointment on Friday because I did not want to go out with my head pounding. My psych. appointment was cancelled yesterday because the doc went home sick. I have therapy this Friday and they rescheduled my psych. appointment for right after my therapy appointment.

I need to get in to the lab and get the bloodwork done to see if my thyroid has either gotten worse or switched sides. This will help determine what course of action we will take with the treatment of my panic attacks.

I haven't taken the Paxil in 4 or 5 days, which I'm not supposed to do. My driving has been okay. The night before last I think I made a round trip of about 6 miles. Last night I think I drove about the same. Matthew & I went up to the bank then we went out to EEGGEE's for dinner. After dinner we stopped off to look at hats in Saver's. On the way home we decided to stop by Mom's house to drop off her jar and see what she was up to then we came home.

I suppose I should probably get my butt moving since there are things around here that I want to get done. Scotty left the day before yesterday to go back to California. I've decided to rent the room out. I placed an ad in the paper yesterday and now I need to get the room ready. He really left it in quite a state. I've got to steam clean the carpets, fix the window, get all of the furniture out of there and fix the hole in the wall that he's had hidden for months now. Then, I'll get the dartboard off the wall, my bike rack out of there and put my therapy pulley (shoulder surgery) in my bedroom so I can start working on my shoulder again.

Plus, I want to finish up Matthew's room from yesterday. I decided to give Matthew a bigger bed so I made his bedframe bigger and took the mattress/box springs out of Scotty's room. Then, we took apart the desk that was broken and threw it in the trash. Next was laundry while some rearranging was performed in his room. All-in-all, it turned out nice but I need to get some shelves installed and get him to clean up that damned closet for once.

Then, I'll work on my cross-stitch and watch Charmed if it isn't too late when I get done. I'd better go now. I'm hungry and really should get working on all of this stuff.

Listening To: Silence
Thinking About: Stuff
Goal for Today: Housework & another drive

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Empress Athenais
You are: ATHENAIS (c400-460) also known as Eudocia. The beautiful daugher of a brilliant Greek philosopher, she exemplified the Classical ideals. She spent her days writing poetry (which is read to this day) and trying to avoid the machinations of her stepmother Pulcheria.

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