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On my soapbox for the first half....

Sunday, May. 18, 2003 ~~ 9:47 am

A not-so-early morning entry. I have to say that I've been a voyeur this morning. Reading other people's diaries and checking out their notes/guestbook entries from other people. I am surprised by the audacity of some that choose to "edit" the work of others.

First of all, remember that these diaries are for any individual to rant, rave, vent and go public regarding any subject that they choose. After all, last time I checked there was still free speech allowed in this country. We should not be so concerned about typing errors, grammatical errors and such. We should try to focus more on the content of the entries if we choose to read the diary of another person. These entries are their thoughts and feelings from their hearts and not something that is supposed to be graded.

When you are in the throws of a passionate thought, the last thing you are worried about is whether or not your spelling and grammar are correct. Thoughts are spilling from your mind at a speed which your fingers cannot possibly keep up with. I type 132 words per minute. I have excellent grammar and spelling abilities and yet I am still plagued with errors because I get caught up in the moment when I am trying to get something entered. Whether or not I proofread is irrelevant. I am in this for my thoughts not correctness on the behalf of other people in any way.

I just want to say, Ravynemyst, you just write your heart out and piss on those that choose to "edit" any part of you. The same goes to anyone who has had the same problem with a Grammar Nazi, as Ravynemyst puts it. You should really check out both of her sites, they are really great.

[getting off soapbox]

Otherwise, today seems to be pretty peaceful so far. I'm trying to decide if I will do any baking today. Yesterday's foray into the culinary arts was a bust. I really wanted to do some baking but the panic attacks got in the way. I really hate that. Nonetheless, I still want to make something. Maybe I'll find a recipe that won't heat up the house. After all, it's over 100 degrees outside and I imagine that it'll get close to that inside the house with the oven running even with the cooler running!

Well, off to start the day with a cool shower and some breakfast.

Listening To: Nickleodeon cartoons
Thinking About: Baking!
Goal for Today: Not much, maybe a trip to the store

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Empress Athenais
You are: ATHENAIS (c400-460) also known as Eudocia. The beautiful daugher of a brilliant Greek philosopher, she exemplified the Classical ideals. She spent her days writing poetry (which is read to this day) and trying to avoid the machinations of her stepmother Pulcheria.

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