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Positive day for me

Wednesday, May. 14, 2003 ~~ 10:13 pm

Well, I switched my medicine last night. I know I'm not supposed to do that without the doc telling me too but I just can't walk around like a zombie anymore. If I take the Paxil at night, I have trouble getting to sleep and I end up with headaches around 5pm. If I split the dose up with a morning 1/2 dose and an afternoon 1/2 dose then I get zombified when I take the Clonezapam in midday. I think I'd rather deal with the headaches and trouble sleeping. I just can't deal with the overwhelming urge to sleep during the day. I have such trouble even keeping my eyes open. It doesn't help that my neighbors now think I sit at home drinking because it's also made my speech slow & slurry.

Anyway, back to the headaches and sleeping issues. I'll deal with the doc at my next appt.

I actually did really well today. I stayed at home and picked up a bit, listened to some of my favorite CDs, did some laundry, watched a couple of movies while doing my cross-stich and chatted with Kara a bit. After dark, Matthew and I ran up to the bank, got the water bottles re-filled, went to Basha's then off to Mom's for a few minutes. All-in-all, pretty great day. I just had to get all of that old shit off my chest this morning. Sharon calls it "cleansing". I think that you have to view the past and talk about it in order to remember what direction you want to be going. Always looking forward, but never forgetting where you came from and the past obstacles that you've jumped.

Well, I'm off to bed. I need to sleep tonight because I plan on doing some serious baking tomorrow. Maybe I'll even try a trip out during the day!

Listening To: Silence (love it when the house is quiet at night)
Thinking About: What to cook tomorrow
Goal for Today: Tonight's goal is peace

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Empress Athenais
You are: ATHENAIS (c400-460) also known as Eudocia. The beautiful daugher of a brilliant Greek philosopher, she exemplified the Classical ideals. She spent her days writing poetry (which is read to this day) and trying to avoid the machinations of her stepmother Pulcheria.

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