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Friday, May. 02, 2003 ~~ 10:54 pm

Tired, tired, tired. Maybe I'll get to sleep in tomorrow. Doubtful.

Today was pretty eventful. I was up early (considering the lack of sleep last night). I worked on my diary page a bit more. I received a phone call from PCDI. They decided that since I was fighting them on my refund due to a paper contract that I had in my hand, that they would just give me the refund. I spoke with Rebecca at UNUM and she said that they still had some more items to review on my case and that my disability claim would probably still be pending for another couple of weeks. I did not hear back from the realty agent that I applied for a job with. This job would be helpful because it would be showing my willingness to work, it would be able to stimulate me mentally, it would give me something to do besides cross-stitch and sit on my butt watching TV and I would be able to work completely from home. I think I'll give him a call in the morning to let him know that I'm still very interested and very qualified.

I ended up missing my appointment with the school. This turned out to be okay because it was basically just to go over the new diagnosis with Matthew's teachers and see if they had any ideas and to see if they were interested in continuing to work with me to help him. We ended up discussing things via phone conference.

I had to watch Xeth for several hours this evening. Denice and DJ both had to go to Urgent Care and couldn't take him. I don't mind. I love the little guy and I really miss being around my Godson since these stupid attacks started. I used to spend so much time with him. We'd play, we'd sleep, he'd watch movies with me. He's really like this little tiny person and not so much like a 2 year-old. He mimics most everything that I say and do. It actually makes a few key people a little jealous. Anyway, he was a delight and it was nice to have the destraction.

Sharon stopped by to take Scotty and Colleen to the bus station for their trip to Cali. Scotty was really in a foul mood. He wasn't nice to Sharon, Matthew or Colleen. He didn't even say goodbye when he left. That really bothers me. I'll get over it but it still hurt.He's probably mad at me because I won't let him get away with shit. He's my nephew and I love him but he's my roommate not my dependant. He's an adult and I try to make him behave as one in my house. He's responsible for his own laundry, helping out with chores and taking care of his own business. I don't think he wants to come back from Cali. Oh well, he's a big boy and he'll make his own decisions.

Sharon brought me some toys when she came back after dropping them off at the station. She knows that I've been wanting to start making jewelry and she brought me some little tools, beads, earring basics, cool little pieces for dangling necklaces and stuff. I'm so excited.

Well, I'm off to bed. Matthew is supposed to go to the movies with a friend tomorrow and I need to get up early so that I can give Mom the directions. I've got a few books on jewelry making and maybe I'll try some stuff while Matthew's gone to the movies.

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Empress Athenais
You are: ATHENAIS (c400-460) also known as Eudocia. The beautiful daugher of a brilliant Greek philosopher, she exemplified the Classical ideals. She spent her days writing poetry (which is read to this day) and trying to avoid the machinations of her stepmother Pulcheria.

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