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Sunday, Apr. 20, 2003 ~~ 12:25 AM

What can I say? Today was a mixture of things. The day started off great with Matthew then went South because he went somewhere he wasn't supposed to go. Then he lied about it. Then we got into an argument about it. Then we got into an argument about the "Points" system. I know that it will take some time for him to understand the reward part of the system but it's still a pain in the butt. Overall, though, we had a really good day. We cleaned up the house, threw some pork chops on the grill, learned some more Spanish with the new software that I bought and generally hung out watching movies most of the day.

Scotty, however, was a different story. He got up this morning like nothing happened last night. No apology or anything. I can live with that as long as he doesn't do it again. Then, just before he went to work, he tells me that the satellite in his room wasn't working. He said that it wouldn't acquire the signal. This is especially odd because the receiver in the living room and the one in his bedroom are hooked up to the same satellite and the one in the living room was working just peachy. So, I called tech. support and went to investigate. I ended up having the installer coming out to look at the problem. Basically, Scotty had a plant sitting in a plate full of water on top of the receiver and some of the water has spilled into the unit thus frying the board. I'm sure the whole thing isn't fried but there are probably a couple of capacitors and diodes that are. Nonetheless, it will cost over $100 for a new receiver plus $20 for the time the installer put into his investigation. On top of all that, I can't afford to replace the received but I still have to pay for the service feeding into it because I signed a contract for 12 months. Scotty and I need to have a chat about that tomorrow. I think that he should not only replace the receiver but he should pay for the service on it until he does get it replaced. He told me that the cat knocked the plant over. Granted it is my cat, but I've told him numerous times to keep his door shut and she wouldn't get in there. Plus, his parents were both engineers and I'm sure he's been taught not to have fluids or food around anything electronic. Especially if there are vents cut into the top of it!!! He's not going to be happy with me but them's the breaks, kid. You break it, you buy it. I've also found porno installed on my PC. This is not good considering the fact that Matthew uses the computer, too. While Scotty was at work, I installed some blocking software to working with my Internet Content blocker. He'll be suprised when he goes on-line tomorrow and goes looking for more crap like that. Unacceptable.

Anyway, enough bitching tonight. I'm tired and Scotty works in the morning. This means that I will have the afternoon tomorrow to take Matthew to get some new shorts for summer. Maybe even a new pair of sandals. We'll see. I seem to be having pretty good days lately and I'm confident that I'll be able to make it to Target for his sandals. I was actually thinking of taking him to the thrift store to look at shorts and going to Payless for his shoes. We'll see what he wants. After all, it's his money.

Sweet sleep for me. Late to bed, early to rise. My schedule is getting a bit ridiculous.

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Empress Athenais
You are: ATHENAIS (c400-460) also known as Eudocia. The beautiful daugher of a brilliant Greek philosopher, she exemplified the Classical ideals. She spent her days writing poetry (which is read to this day) and trying to avoid the machinations of her stepmother Pulcheria.

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