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Fabulous day!

Wednesday, Apr. 16, 2003 ~~ 11:17 PM

Fabulous day for me! I'm so happy that all of today has gone well. Matthew & Scotty had a run-in before Matthew went to school. I took care of that when Matthew got home.

I got up, made my phone calls, chatted with my sister, ate breakfast, took my medicine and sat down to work on my cross-stitch while watching a movie. I wanted to go to the bank but decided to wait because Scotty wanted to go open an account tomorrow. I do what I need to at that time. The talk with Matthew & Scotty went well. Our family therapy session went great. Shanta says that she wants me to implement a point schedule. A chart of things that Matthew must do along with things that he can do for extra. Each item is assigned a point value. At the end of the week he will be able to choose a reward based on the number of points that he receives.


Bringing homework home = 10 points

Doing homework & having me check = 25 points.

Brushing teeth at night = 5 points

Brushing teeth in morning = 5 points

Taking shower on time @ 8pm (without being reminded) = 30 points

10-25 points = playing until dark

26-40 points = watching a movie before bed

41-55 points = renting a movie

56-70 points = going to the park

71-85 points = staying up 1/2 hour late one night of his choice during school week

If he accomplishes all of the tasks above, he can choose to stay up late one night during the week or he can choose a combination of any of the lower rewards.

I think that this might help with the problems that we've been having lately. I don't have to prompt him at all and the list will have things that he can do for extra points for higher rewards. The condition is that the extra points are only able to be used when the base chores are completed.

We'll see.

I went to the grocery store & up to Michael's without even the slightest hint of a panic attack! I'm so proud of myself. I even waited at 3 different red lights and wasn't phased. I even stopped on the way back to let Scotty get something from the drive-thru which I NEVER do.

Yeah for me!!

Now, I'm going to bed. Very tired. Very pleased with my progress.

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Empress Athenais
You are: ATHENAIS (c400-460) also known as Eudocia. The beautiful daugher of a brilliant Greek philosopher, she exemplified the Classical ideals. She spent her days writing poetry (which is read to this day) and trying to avoid the machinations of her stepmother Pulcheria.

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