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Didn't go as planned.

Thursday, Apr. 10, 2003 ~~ 10:17 PM

Today was not as I had planned. Again, I was awakened way too early in the morning by some idiot calling my house at 6am. I get up, get dressed and work on my cross-stitch.

UNUM called around 11:30am to perform my phone interview for my long term disability. The interview lasted for about an hour and a half. I think that it went well but I won't know until the end of the month what their decision will be. The good thing is that if I'm approved my payments will come from UNUM not through my old employer. The bad thing is that they pay at the end of the month. Another good thing is that they have direct deposit. Either way, I'll be happy.

I didn't get my account opened today. By the time I was up, dressed, done with my phone interview and had medicine in me it was time for Scotty to go get Matthew. By the time he got back it was way to far into rush hour for me to venture out. I will try to go tomorrow around 1:30pm when he gets home from work & Matthew is out of school.

Crossing my fingers that I can make it to get Matthew. I have to focus on the benefit.......I guess that would be that I've made it through a hard trip well and that I can still go to the bank without having to rush home from the panic of it all. Finding the benefit in every drive definitely isn't easy. I might need some help from Mr. Janney to help out with the incentive mind-frame for some of my trips.

Oh well. Time to check the bank account then it's off to snoozeville.

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Empress Athenais
You are: ATHENAIS (c400-460) also known as Eudocia. The beautiful daugher of a brilliant Greek philosopher, she exemplified the Classical ideals. She spent her days writing poetry (which is read to this day) and trying to avoid the machinations of her stepmother Pulcheria.

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